
The Life Changing Benefits of AI Hearing Aids

The benefits of AI hearing aids extend far beyond improved hearing, offering a revolutionary approach to hearing healthcare and an enhanced quality of life overall.  

How Can I Prevent Further Hearing Loss?

If you are looking for practical tips and strategies to help safeguard your auditory health and prevent further hearing loss, this guide is for you.

How AI Hearing Aids Help with Speech Clarity

In this guide, we explore how AI hearing aids help with speech clarity and the innovative technology these devices use to enhance communication in even the most challenging environments.

Should You Repair or Replace Your Hearing Aids?

In this guide, we explore key factors that can influence whether you should repair or replace your hearing aids, including routine issues that can be fixed and practical reasons for getting new devices.   

How AI is Revolutionizing Hearing Aid Technology 

In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has reshaped the landscape of technology forever, with an especially transformative impact on hearing aids. In this article, we examine how AI is revolutionizing hearing aid technology, and explore the numerous benefits these highly adaptive devices provide. 

The Importance of Regular Hearing Exams 

In this blog post, we explain the importance of regular hearing exams and the consequences of untreated hearing loss on not just our ears, but our cognitive health and quality of life as well.

How Does Hearing Loss Affect Brain Function? 

In this article, we explain how hearing loss can affect brain function and the importance of early intervention to help decrease the risk of cognitive decline in older adults. 

How to Read Your Hearing Test Results (Audiogram)

In this guide, we explain how to read your hearing test results and interpret an audiogram so you can continue to make informed decisions about your hearing health. 

Are There Hearing Aids That Connect to Bluetooth?

In this guide, we will explore the world of Bluetooth hearing aids and look at some of the many ways these cutting-edge devices can enhance not only your hearing, but your quality of life as well. 

10 Ways to Support Someone with Hearing Loss 

If you care for someone with hearing loss, your understanding and support can not only play a critical role in fostering that relationship, but also greatly enhance their quality of life. In this blog post, we suggest ways to support someone with hearing loss, including easy communication techniques, and tips on creating an inclusive environment for anyone hard of hearing. 

9 Consequences of Putting Off Hearing Aids 

Untreated hearing loss can have far-ranging negative effects on social connections, mental wellness, and even cognitive health. In this article, we outline the biggest repercussions of untreated hearing loss, shedding light on the importance of timely intervention and the transformative power of hearing aids. 

How Often Should I Upgrade My Hearing Aids? 

Whether it’s due to changes in your hearing, overall health, or lifestyle, upgrading your hearing aids can significantly enhance your hearing experience and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore when and how often to upgrade your hearing aids for your best hearing experience, including five reasons to upgrade your hearing aids now.

Better Hearing Month is the Best Time to Treat Hearing Loss 

In 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) designated the month of May as Better Hearing and Speech Month. Their goal at the time was to raise awareness about speech and hearing challenges and — more importantly — encourage people to take action and treat their own hearing and speech problems.  That mission is just as […]

Tips for Traveling with Your Hearing Aids 

Hearing aids are designed to be a large part of our daily lives and should be one of the first things on your packing list when it is time for a trip. Whether you are traveling for work or for fun, it is important to have a few tricks in mind when you travel with […]

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids vs. Prescription Hearing Aids: What’s the Difference?

Recently, the FDA released its final regulations on over-the-counter hearing aids. This regulation introduced an entirely new category of hearing aids called “over the counter” or “OTC.” OTC hearing aids officially became available Monday, October 17th, and will be an additional option to the existing category of hearing aids that the FDA now refers to as “prescription.” As […]

Why is it Important to Upgrade Your Hearing?

Why upgrade your hearing? If you are aware that you are having difficulty hearing, it’s probably time for an upgrade.  Don’t let the word “Upgrade” be a cause for anxiety, there are simple things that can give your ability to communicate a boost. Simple Things: More Help The question is “Why upgrade your hearing?” Hearing […]

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